Plan, Budget, Administrative Change and Efficiency Management

1.    Carrying out all matters related to the preparation and compilation of the university budget;
2.    Developing plans, arranging activities and proposing the annual budget of the university based on the priorities;
3.    Cooperating with the managers and heads of university's sections regarding the preparation and development of the budget;
4.    Collecting the budget proposals suggested by different sections as well as reviewing the proposed programs and credits;
5.    Combining and regulating the proposed budgets in the form of general goals and policies of the university;    Monitoring the proper expenditure of the credits by the management for the determined purpose as well as assessing the level of progress in each section;Defending the proposed budget on inspecting authorities;    
7.    Notifying the approved budget to each unit as well as allocating the approved credits to the university units in three-month periods;
8.    Holding an account for the approved budget in accordance with the administrative activities and programs of the university as well as supervising the budget spending of the units;
9.    Reviewing and exchanging the annual budget of current and civil credits with the respective ministry;
10.    Reviewing and exchanging the agreements on civil activities with the President Deputy for Strategic Planning and Control;
11.    Continuously studying and reviewing of organizational duties of the university and the units as well as the quality of the workflow regarding the development program of the university;
12.    Carrying out organizational studies in order to develop plans and to estimate the required human resources of the university in cooperation with the Management for the Administrative Affairs;
13.    Continuously studying and reviewing the duties of the affiliated units in order to properly plan, separate and allocate the duties between units and preventing the repetition and interference of the allocated  duties;
14.    Carrying out the matters related to the current and civil budget headquarters (ownership of capital assets) such as collecting proposed materials, drawing up agendas, preparing minutes and pursuing the notification of the approvals;
15.    To cooperate with different sections of the university in order to prepare and regulate the organizational chart and positions in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the affiliated sections;
16.    Studying and reviewing the preparation and regulation of the duties of the units and the organizational positions; and notifying the duties to the units after being approved by the Board of Trustees;
17.    Reviewing the proposals made by the university units about the change and modification of organizational positions and duties, preparing the necessary reports and taking necessary measures to solve their organizational problems;
18.    Carrying out research projects regarding making modifications in organizational structure;
19.    Establishing communication with the authorities to make revisions and changes in the organizational structure of the university;
20.    Investigating and reviewing the job classifications of the staff;
21.    Identifying and determining the job field of organizational positions according to job classification plans;
22.    Preparing and regulating the necessary statistics regarding the activities, human forces and the existing agents in the university and the affiliated units (personnel and budget), in order to make accurate and rational comments about the management of the university;
23.    Active attendance in councils and committees and making the necessary comments on issues bearing financial burden on the university;
24.    Holding credits for different budget seasons and preparing comparison tables of previous years' budgets;
25.    Anticipating the incomes and estimating the cost of activities, plans and programs;
26.    Reviewing and preparing amending proposals or budget supplement, if necessary;
27.    Supervising the implementation process of the plan and the credits anticipated in the annual budget;
28.    Carrying out the matters related to the preparation and compilation of the expense credits of the university;
29.    Preparing, regulating and exchanging the agreement of the annual budget of the expense credits sourcing from the general and special revenue as well as the notified dedicated budget;
30.    Developing financial plans for the expense credits as well as predicting the annual performance of the university;
31.    Distributing and allocating the expense credits of the university based on the fiscal seasons and the materials;
32.    Preparing and regulating the budget bill of the expense credits of the university and exchanging it with the state Management and Planning organization;
33.    Presenting a research plan for the improvement of the expense budgeting system of the university;
34.    Preparing and regulating the information and forms of the required expense credits of the permanent commission and the board of trustees;
35.    Preparing and regulating the agreement of the ownership of the university's capital assets with the state Management and Planning Organization;
36.    Supervising the performance of the university units' ownership credits of the capital assets;
37.    Notifying the miscellaneous and focused dedicated budgets to the units of university;
38.    Dealing with the matters related to the notified dedicated budget of the end-of-service bonuses for faculty members and the staff;
39.    Preparing, regulating and exchanging the agreement of the annual budget of the expense credits sourcing from the general and special revenue as well as the notified dedicated budget;
40.    Preparing and regulating the budget bill of the expense credits of the university and exchanging it with the state Management and Planning organization;
41.    Preparing and regulating the agreement of the ownership of the university's capital assets with the Management and Planning Organization of the province;
42.    Constantly studying and reviewing the duties of the university units in order to develop plans, separate and dedicate the duties;
43.    Preparing and regulating the job description of the units;
44.    Preparing, adjusting and suggesting the organizational positions;
45.    Offering proposals for the change and modification of the organizational structure and formation;
46.    Suggesting the professional fields for the organizational positions;
47.    Proposing research plans for the modification of organizational structure and formation;
48.    Allocating organizational positions;
49.    Performing other duties assigned by the higher athority.