name | last name | job title | Phone | |
Jalileh | Khani | Dormitory affairs expert | 174 | |
Javad | Tavakoli | Director of Research | 140 | |
Kambiz | Minaei | President of Jahrom University | 110 | |
Kamran | Torabi | Industry Liaison Office Expert | 106 | |
Karim | Zarei | Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture | 222 | |
Khadije sadat | Sahraeiyan | Cultural affairs expert | 136 | |
Leila | Rahmaniyan | Expert in the Center for Student Health and Counseling | 151 | |
Leila | Haghayegh jahromi | Call center expert | 101 | |
Leila | Agahi | Linguistics expert | 203 | |
Mahmod | Mobaraki | Vice Chancellor for Student and Cultural Affairs | 179 |
Showing 41-50 of 96 items.